Network for Grassroots Science and Mathematics Education

About VER







VillageMath Educational Review

About VER

VillageMath Educational Review (VER) (CODEN: VERIAU) is a multidisciplinary scientific journal whose main objective is the dissemination of studies that provide answers to the main educational, scientific and social problems present in basic education, secondary education, higher education, science education, mathematics education, environmental education and other educational subject areas in order to achieve excellence quality in all their areas. Papers will be welcomed, regardless of the subject area to which they belong as long as they entailed a contribution, innovation or breakthrough in the development of models of teaching or scientific research in the scientific world which lead to a social improvement. Research work performed in other educational levels may also be considered, if they demonstrate a strong and justified relationship to general education. All papers submitted for publication must be unpublished and originals, and should not be under any evaluation procedure for publication in other journals. Theoretical work as well as work based on field studies and empirical laboratory experiments are accepted. All kinds of strategies and methodological approaches may have been used for the study. They have to comply within the parameters of current scientific and technological research. The review criteria and selection process will take into account mainly the quality of the work under consideration: if it makes a significant contribution to the object of interest, main interests of the journal and if it offers a breakthrough or significant contribution to the current scientific knowledge and, ultimately, if it contributes to the progress of our society. This journal is of free and direct access (Open Access, OA), and it serves the international scientific community and open knowledge. 

The journal is digitally published in order to keep all the features of traditional print journals. Articles will appear in PDF format, conveniently typeset and numbered as classical style journals. Therefore, it is our intention to facilitate their distribution and their scientific citation in accordance with all existing highest standards. Additionally, for the reader’s convenience articles can be printed in their full version as well as can be accessed in their digital format, such as e-book. This publication takes advantage of newly implemented technologies in order to facilitate publishing and distribution, at the same time that takes into account the ecological aspect of paperless publishing. Nor can we forget the specific possibilities offered by electronic publishing, such as the quick and easy access to any item of each number by simply selecting it from the start index or by identifying hyperlinks that can be added by the authors to their articles.