Network for Grassroots Science and Mathematics Education

Effect of Algebrator Software Teaching Approach on Senior Secondary School Students’ Interest and Achievement in Algebra in Kwande Local Government Area, Benue State Nigeria

Mr. I. T. Iornengen, Dr. A. O. Agbo-Egwu and Dr. M. T. Abari

Department of Mathematics Education, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria


This study examined the effect of Algebrator software teaching approach on senior secondary two students’ interest and achievement in Algebra. The study was conducted in Kwande Local Government Area of Benue State. It adopted a quasi-experimental design of non-randomized pretest posttest control group with a population of 2,275 students in the 62 schools. A sample of 185 out of this population was used. The sample was selected using multi-stage sampling technique. Instruments for data collection were Algebra Interest Inventory (AII) and Algebra Achievement Test (AAT) which were validated by experts. AII and AAT were trial-tested and the reliability was calculated using Cronbach-Alpha and Kuder-Richardson 21(K-R21) and had reliability coefficient of 0.81 and 0.95 respectively. Means and standard deviations were used to answer all the research questions asked, while ANCOVA was used to test all the statement of hypotheses formulated at a = 0.05 level of significance. It was found that SS 2 students’ interest and achievement in Algebra improved when taught using Algebrator software teaching approach, also there was no gender difference found in students’ interest in Algebra. In addition, the use of Algbrator software teaching approach enhanced students’ achievement in Algebra with respect to their gender. Recommendations based on the findings were equally made, that, in-service trainings given to mathematics teachers should include how to use Algebrator software teaching approach, and in the training, they should be encouraged to use this approach in their various classes among others.

Keywords: Mathematics, Algebra, Algebrator, Interest, Achievement, Software Teaching Approach

How to Cite this Article:

Iornengen, I. T., Agbo-Egwu, A. O. & Abari, M. T. (2023). Effect of Algebrator Software Teaching Approach on Senior Secondary School Students’ Interest and Achievement in Algebra in Kwande Local Government Area, Benue State Nigeria. VillageMath Educational Review (VER), 5(1), 11-28.